September 11, 2008

But I Have A Good Reason...

I don't live in Florida, but I do live in Texas...right in the path of Ike as a matter of fact. So, I won't be blogging for a few days. Hopefully, I won't wash or get blown away! Seriously, keep everyone who has been or will be effected by Ike in your thoughts.


Sassy said...

Stay safe. Stay dry!

Anonymous said...

well I do live in Fl and we get em all the time, not usually a big deal but the one you don't prepare for is the one that gets you!!

Be safe sexy.

Constance said...

Hope that you and your home and friends and others you care about will be all right, Naughty. Fingers crossed that Ike mellows into nothing more than a heavy rainstorm...

Naughty Girl said...

Sassy One: That is the plan!

Sage: For some reason I thought you lived in Texas too. Anyway, this is my first hurricane rodeo (I just moved closer to the coast a few months ago) and I'm part excited and part cautious.

Annie: Thank you for those sweet thoughts! :)

Yesterday's Lineage said...

my prayers and thoughts are with you...

Keep safe!

Riff Dog said...

Yikes! I hope you get through unscathed. Good luck and stay safe!

Holly Golightly said...

be safe. we are praying for you here.


rage said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you!

Stay safe!

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

over here from sages spot. stay safe

- said...

Thinking, hopin, prayin & all of that good stuff for you & your safety


A said...

Came over from Sage's.......good luck and stay safe!

e c f e s w said...

my pimp daddy sage sent me

the horrid winds, rain and lighting are really hitting where I am right now~~~~~~~~

Alfie said...

WE pray you keep safe. Be sure to let us know.